Roses are Red...

    One theme you will notice in most of my post is that I enjoy working with my hands. I love the satisfaction of finishing something I have made. I guess that is how God felt after He created the world and everything in it.

     When my family and I moved to Georgia, our house came with a rose bush. I was shocked and excited because I had never had a rose bush before. It was a dream come true although I had not even dreamt of having a rose bush.

      Since moving, I have trimmed it and kept it in pretty decent shape. To add some flair to our front yard, my mom planted flowers around the front porch. She used bricks to go around them, put the gardening paper to prevent weeds from peeking through, and put mulch around the flowers. It turned out so amazing! Going off of her idea, I did the same but used different bricks to go around my rose bush.

      The only downside to making my rose bush look nice is the diseased cats in our neighborhood. I like cats. I think they are understanding creatures. However, I hate it when someone has more than two cats. When there are more than two fixed cats, they become territorial and diseased- or zombified. This is the case in our neighborhood. You can tell they are diseased physically and mentally. I say mentally because usually cats have a level of personality. My old cat did, and some of my friend’s cats had personality. These zombies have none whatsoever. Some of them even have physical defects. They also stink-but this is far from my point! They were destroying my rose bush! They would use my rose bush bed as their personal outhouse! Like, they did not even have the decency to dig a hole and deposit they excrements in it like normal cats! My mom was having the same problem until she replaced the mulch and put down some netting in her flowers. That way, if the cats attempted to dump in her flowers, their claws would get stuck.

      I had to take another approach. I had to trash my old mulch and gardening paper, put some fresh gardening paper down, and, instead of mulch, put red lava rocks down. The bed looks significantly better! It also smelled better.

       Another problem I encountered with my rose bush was that were some weird beetles infesting it. I would have been just okay if they were just there being harmless insects, but they were eating my rose bush!! It seems as if everything was against my innocent rose bush!! So after my dad and I finished taking care of the rose bush’s bed, he and my little brother drenched my bush in some insect killer. At first, it did not do much of anything. The next day, however, I did not see any beetles feasting on my rose bush.

        Like in most of my other post, I have a biblical application from this experience. When we come to the knowledge of our sin, confess, and accept Jesus into our hearts, we become new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17). We are not what we used to be: sinful depraved people. After we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are to walk in Him so we can establish and build our faith (Colossians 2:6-7).  In order to walk with Him, we must read His Word: The Bible. It is God’s breathed word and by reading it, we renew our minds. When we forsake reading the Word, we allow ourselves to be bombarded with the cares of this world. When I “forget” to read my bible, my mind becomes infested with all sorts of random thoughts that could eat at me if I let it. Like my rose bush!!! When we do not renew our minds, or wash your mind in the Word, you allow the devil to throw all sorts of things in our minds to make us doubt our Father in Heaven.  And like the insect killer, the Word gets rid of those doubting thoughts and strengthens our faith in our Father. Reading the Word also draws you closer to Him giving a heart after His own. 


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