

                Lately, I have been thinking about what to blog. My life at the moment has not been extremely stressful or filled with much excitement, so it has been a little difficult to come up with any ideas. My younger sister, who has a blog of her own, suggested that I write about what I have been doing since COVID began. I thought it was a great idea, so here I am!

                So, in the next couple post, I will be writing about the things I have done:

Sewing                                 Drawing                                Gardening                          


Hope you say tuned for more!

And feel free to leave a comment!!



  1. You have a problem. When it says
    "who has a blog of her own blog, suggested" it should probably be
    "who has a blog of her own, suggested" and the link doesn't work either.

    1. Wow! Thanks for the heads up.
      It should be good to go now.


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