Sew What?


    Over the span of this pandemic, I have picked up a couple of hobbies I had put on the backburner because of school. One of the many hobbies includes sewing! I go through cycles with my hobbies. I do not have a definite favorite, which is a bit frustrating because I cannot stay committed to that hobby. So when I pick one up, I have to go ahead and finish whatever it, or I will not.

                I volunteer at a thrift store every once in a while. And, one day as I was going in and taking out the old clothing, I came across some jeans that had just been messed up. The legs had been slashed! I was a bit irked because, well-


So, as I was taking them down, an idea hit me. Why don’t I use these jeans to make a skirt!? Sometime before, I had drawn up an idea for a skirt and when the idea hit me, I knew I had to do it.

                I bought some more pants to I would have enough material and I got to work. Every once in a while, I would have some doubts.

                                What if it does not turn out right?

                                What if it is ugly?

I promptly ignored those thoughts and pressed on. One note you should keep in mind is that I wasn’t going by a pattern of any kind. I was just going with what I had in mind. My younger sister suggested that I use a pattern or look up some videos for my skirt, but I promptly ignored the more experienced seamstress. Like, what does she know?

                As I neared the end of the skirt, the doubting came back stronger. It was around this time that I was attaching the flowy part skirt to the waist of the skirt. Once I finished that, to my surprise, it was ugly!! It did not look anything like I envisioned. Of course I was disappointed, but it was also a learning experience. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean onto your own understanding (of which I had none of!!) in all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight. I could have listened to my sister, but I did not. I paid the price too-well, not really. I was just very let down.

                After that let down, I decided to make some couch pillow. Our white couch pillows had become super dingy (I wonder why*), so I made some blue jean couch pillows. They turned out super awesome!

                I then took my ugly skirt apart and make another skirt. And of course, I used my sister’s advice this time. It turned out amazing!

Note: Take wise instruction! You’ll be like the person who hates correction in Proverbs 12:1. I dare you to read it.

*The pillows were dingy because of melanin! Because I'm black, my dead skin cells have an excess amount of melanin. And as I go through the day, the dead skin sloths off onto the floor and the pillows!


  1. So funny! You should really post more often!!!!

    1. I know. I think about it and I just don't get back to that thought! Blogging is one of my favorite hobbies!
      Thanks for the feedback!


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