Nailed it!


    It's been a second but here I am! Technically, since it is still the season of Corona (COVID, COVID-19, The Rone, whatever you call it), I can still post on this blog. 

    Recently, I have gotten into baking. It's something that I picked up in nursing school. My siblings and I thought that it would be cool to try baking small cakes together. We had watched the baking show 'Nailed It' millions of times and thought why not give it a try. 

    So we chose to make mini cakes because we all had different ideas and couldn't decide on one. Doing the individual cakes also gave the each of us the opportunity to be more creative. Charis, the All Things Baking Expert, walked us through crumb coating and how to use the piping tips. If you didn't know already, my younger sister Charis is a Jack of all Trades and a Wizard when it comes to just about everything. She also has her own blog if you want to check it out. Anywho, here are some pictures of cakes we have made. All of them are gluten free (GF) and some are sugar free.

Here are some of the cakes we baked! We didn't take pictures of every step just because it would have taken from the fun of baking. We made these sometime mid-April.

Just hanging out!! Also, hard at work.

This is one of Charis's cakes. She more diligently took pictures of her caking process. Her cake was a chocolate and vanilla cake. As you may have guessed, she also toasted some coconuts and put them on the top and bottom of her cake.Very intricate.

Here is Tim's cake. He wasn't sure how he wanted to decorate his at first. He ended up choosing to make it into a waterfall.

My cake turned out better than I expected it would. I decided to pipe a tree onto my cake!! I absolutely loved it!! For this cake, I chose to flavor my cake layers chocolate and orange (e.g. chocolate, orange, chocolate.). It tasted so good!!

These two cakes are Micah's. Both of her cakes were both GF and sugar free. They ended up tasting really good even though they were sugar free. Micah, like Charis, is very intricate when it comes to cooking/baking. The cake to the right is an Apple Pecan cake. She fried the apples and toasted the pecans specifically for her cake. I don't know what flavor her other cake was.

I made this cake about a week or two before finishing school. Charis also made a mini cake the same day I made this one. I forget what flavors I chose for this cake as well!!

Here is Charis's cake. 

Okay, so for Micah's birthday, Charis and I decided to make a GF and sugar free cake. This particular cake was both a chocolate and vanilla. Since she has a LOVE for both music and BTS/Korean stuff, we decided to put decorate it as if it were a circular piano with musical notes around the sides. We then put her name on the cake in Korean. I had an idea of how I wanted it to turn out but it came out differently. 

Well, these are most of the cakes we have made so far. I didn't think we could bake this well. I also didn't know that it was so much fun. This is definitely something I will do more in the future. Especially since I can make it gluten free!!!

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