
Showing posts from June, 2020

This Is Where I Draw the Line

        Drawing has been something I have really enjoyed for a long time. It allows me to put what is in my head on paper. Although I am not always able to get the drawing or painting exactly the way I envisioned it, I do still love seeing the finished product. Sometimes, my art will come out even better than planned which is also a plus. My goal for all of my projects is to point to God. He gave me the ability and the desire to keep doing it, so why not? All of my siblings are artsy in one way or another. Some of us paint, draw, sing, write music, etc. In relation to drawing, I love how we have spun off of each other’s styles to finally come up with our own.       I have been drawing recently, but nothing just awe inspiring. Because of this, I will show you pictures from the past and present that I have drawn.                                                                                                Cars  Groups of People Picture Verse I have done about four picture verses, bu

Roses are Red...

     One theme you will notice in most of my post is that I enjoy working with my hands. I love the satisfaction of finishing something I have made. I guess that is how God felt after He created the world and everything in it.      When my family and I moved to Georgia, our house came with a rose bush. I was shocked and excited because I had never had a rose bush before. It was a dream come true although I had not even dreamt of having a rose bush.       Since moving, I have trimmed it and kept it in pretty decent shape. To add some flair to our front yard, my mom planted flowers around the front porch. She used bricks to go around them, put the gardening paper to prevent weeds from peeking through, and put mulch around the flowers. It turned out so amazing! Going off of her idea, I did the same but used different bricks to go around my rose bush.       The only downside to making my rose bush look nice is the diseased cats in our neighborhood. I like cats. I think they are under

Sew What?

          Over the span of this pandemic, I have picked up a couple of hobbies I had put on the backburner because of school. One of the many hobbies includes sewing! I go through cycles with my hobbies. I do not have a definite favorite, which is a bit frustrating because I cannot stay committed to that hobby. So when I pick one up, I have to go ahead and finish whatever it, or I will not.                 I volunteer at a thrift store every once in a while. And, one day as I was going in and taking out the old clothing, I came across some jeans that had just been messed up. The legs had been slashed! I was a bit irked because, well- WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?!?!   So, as I was taking them down, an idea hit me. Why don’t I use these jeans to make a skirt!? Sometime before, I had drawn up an idea for a skirt and when the idea hit me, I knew I had to do it.                 I bought some more pants to I would have enough material and I got to work. Every once in a while, I would hav


Hello!                 Lately, I have been thinking about what to blog. My life at the moment has not been extremely stressful or filled with much excitement, so it has been a little difficult to come up with any ideas. My younger sister, who has a  blog  of her own , suggested that I write about what I have been doing since COVID began. I thought it was a great idea, so here I am!                 So, in the next couple post, I will be writing about the things I have done: Sewing                                  Drawing                                 Gardening                              Hope you say tuned for more! And feel free to leave a comment!!